March Newsletter
Dear Parents / Carers,
We would like to welcome back those children who have had a break due to the recent lockdown and say a big hello to our new members who have joined us at Ducklings. The children have settled well into the setting which has been lovely to see.
We are continuing to spend lots of time outdoors, so please make sure that you send in appropriate clothing for the weather. Could we please ask that all children’s personal property is clearly named as they may own similar items e.g. Ducklings t-shirts. This will help staff when assisting them.
As more students are returning to Brookfield and the site is getting busier, please could we also remind you to park in either our lay-by, one of the Brookfield parking spaces, or in the road opposite. Obstruction may prevent the emergency services from gaining access to the school.
Comic Relief – 19th March
We will be raising funds for Comic Relief starting week beginning 15th March. Children are welcome to dress up in something red or costumes at Ducklings all week. Any donations will be gratefully received by either bringing in contributions for our pot or by visiting the Comic Relief fundraising page (please see link below) where you can donate online.
Easter holidays – Friday 2nd April to Friday 16th April
Term Time – Our last day for this term is Thursday 1st April. We return to Ducklings on Monday 19th April.
Stretched – Ducklings will be closed on Friday 2nd April (Good Friday) and Monday 5thApril (Easter Monday)
If you do have any queries, please speak to Val.
The Ducklings Team