January Newsletter
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to the Spring Term 2021 at Ducklings.
As I am sure you will all be aware and following the announcement of the latest COVID guidance on Monday 4th January 2021, Early Years settings have and are continuing to remain open to ALL children.
We respect that many families have made the decision not to send their children to Ducklings given the present situation, and we will therefore send our home learning links for parents to use if they would like too.
Our staff team have continued to review the current risk assessment and update this as required.
Ducklings has been following the government ‘system of controls’ and we have had stringent cleaning routines in place since the onset of COVID (March 2020) which we continue to adhere to. These measures include regular hand washing, the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach for good respiratory hygiene, and also discouraging children to touch their faces especially their mouths and noses.
Everyone’s safety remains paramount whilst we are in the setting, and we would ask parents to help us maintain this by not sending children to Ducklings if they are unwell. As an extra precaution ALL staff and children’s temperatures will be checked daily whilst they are at Ducklings. If a child becomes unwell and we have concerns we shall follow our risk assessment guidelines and may also phone the NHS 111 contact number to seek further support.
Thank you to everyone for wearing your face masks which is now a requirement in line with Brookfield’s policy and must be worn whilst on the school site.
If you have any concerns or would like any further information, please let me know.
The Ducklings Team
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